QR Code Tour – Upper Goat Pictures

Meet more of our goats

Duff came with Dusty from the same cruelty case in Waynesville. *A note about cruelty cases: Many of our animals have come from them. They have faced severe traumas, from being starved, loosing limbs due to infection and neglect, being locked in barns with no sunlight, living up to their knees in excrement, and to having to cannibalize the corpses of other animals that had scrummed to starvation. Whenever possible action was taken against the perpetrators of these crimes.The sad reality is there is little protection for animals especially animals that are farmed. Note not all residents are pictured


Mark is the alpha male of the upper herd. He came from a cruelty case involving a pastor. The Mark was being kept in church parking lot with 12 hens. The pastor had felt called to keep animals however they were not being cared. This included having inadequate shelter and Mark was caught up in wire. *A note about cruelty cases: Many of our animals have come from them. They have faced severe traumas, from being starved, loosing limbs due to infection and neglect, being locked in barns with no sunlight, living up to their knees in excrement, and to having to cannibalize the corpses of other animals that had scrummed to starvation. Whenever possible action was taken against the perpetrators of these crimes.The sad reality is there is little protection for animals especially animals that are farmed.

This is Cosmo, She arrived with Moonpie, Flokie, and Igor. They were being kept in a backyard. Zoning and neighborhood complaints brought them to us.